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PGZ系列平板离心机是一种全自动控制的立式刮刀卸料离心机,在电气控制下,转鼓启动达到进料速度后,控制系统打开进料阀,被处理悬浮液从进料管入转鼓。在转鼓高速旋转产生的强大离心力作用下,进入转鼓内的悬浮液被均布于转鼓内壁的过滤介质上,成空心圆柱状。液相通过过滤介质和转鼓上的许多小孔被甩出鼓外。由机壳内壁和底盘搜集,从出液管排出,而固相粒子则被留在过滤介质上。当进料量达到设定值。由料层控制器(或进料时间)向控制系统发出信号,关闭进料阀门。同时,根据工艺需要可对物料进行洗涤,洗涤达到要求后,在脱水速度下进行二次脱水。处理物料达到分离要求,控制系统控制主电机将回转体的转速降到卸料速度,卸料机构采用窄刮刀,先由旋转缸驱动径向刮料,到位后停留一下,再轴向行程卸料,下降到位刮下转鼓壁上的物料。固体颗粒通过刮刀卸料借助重力。经转鼓底的卸料口从机座底部排出。机器完成一个工作循环,在控制系统( PLC)的控制下进入到下一个工作循环。
■Scope of application
PGZ series plate centrifuge is a kind of automatic control of vertical scraper discharge centrifuge, under the electrical control, drum started after reaching feed speed, open the feed valve control system, treated suspension from a feeding tube into the drum. In the drum under the effects of the strong centrifugal force at high speed, into the drum in suspension were all drum on the inner surface of the filter medium, and into the hollow cylindrical. Liquid through the filter medium and the many holes was thrown on the drum. Collection by chassis and casing wall, from the discharge pipe of produced liquid, and solid phase particles are on the filter medium. When the feed rate to achieve the set value. By material layer controller (or feed) signal to the control system, close the inlet valve. At the same time, according to process needs washing for the material, after washing up to par, secondary dewatering under the dehydration rate. Processing materials meet the requirements of separation, the control system to control the main motor to reduce the speed of solid of revolution to unloading speed, using a narrow blade in discharging scraper driven by rotary cylinder radial first, stay in place after a moment, and axial discharge, decline in place under the scraping drum wall material. Solid particles by scraper discharge with the help of gravity. The drum bottom discharge outlet from the bottom of the stand out. Machine to complete a work cycle, under the control of the control system (PLC) to the next work cycle.
PGZ series plate type centrifuge centrifuge working for intermittent cyclical manner. It under the control of the programmable, finish the work by electrical system automatic cycle, which can realize the requirement of feeding, washing, dehydration many times many times. Adopted the variable frequency speed regulating motor, in different stages of the machine speed can be adjusted according to need. The process and the time can be adjusted freely by adjusting the process, and the working procedure is divided into seven process: 1. The drum to start; 2. Incoming material; 3. To take off the liquid; 4. Washing; 5. The secondary fluid; 6. Drum brake to slow; 7. Discharge, in order to achieve the best working efficiency.
■工作流程 The working process
■主要技术参数 The main technical parameters
■Special note
1, the technical parameters of the product specification shall prevail.
2, inquire, please customer details given to the material characteristic parameters and working condition requirements.
3, according to the special needs of customers, we can take the personalized design and manufacturing:
(1) material: material contact part of the material for 304, 316 l, 316,2507, 904 l, TA2, etc.
(2) drive mode: normal or explosion-proof type single speed motor, etc.
(3) peel way: oil cylinder, cylinder, electric cylinder or mechanical balance, etc.
(4) electric control methods: semi-automatic, fully automatic or PLG process control, etc.
(5) business other technical requirements.

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